Policies and Procedures
Program Expectations
Children are expected to be able to:
- Follow program rules
- Participate appropriately in planned activities within a group of other students
- Communicate with staff members and other children
- Cooperatively transition between activities and locations
- Stay within the activity area and not wander from the group
- Be cooperative in stimulating situations
- Follow directions from staff or guest presenters
- Respond appropriately to a variety of staff, children, and situations
- Treat others with respect
- Play cooperatively with other children
- Behave in a manner that does not pose an unsafe situation for themselves or others
- Be independent for personal care needs, such as eating a snack, washing hands, and toileting
Children with special needs are welcome to join us. Please, let us know how we can help reasonably accommodate your child. We rely on you to let us know how to best assist your child.
Behavior and Discipline
Conflicts and Disruptive Behavior
When conflicts develop between children, program staff will listen to the children and help resolve the conflict through effective communication. Children must be respectful of other children, teachers, and staff.
We will apply the skills of conscious discipline (Composure, Encouragement, Assertiveness, Choices, Empathy, Positive Intent, and Consequences) to resolve the issue while involving the child/children in the solution.
Serious Conflicts
Serious conflicts include, but are not limited to the following:
- A child presenting danger to others or self
- A child unable to conform to the program rules
- A child showing disrespect to other children or teachers
- A child whose behavior is disruptive to the group and whose behavior demands an inappropriate or unsustainable amount of staff attention (ongoing one-on-one assistance)
Serious or continued conflicts will be handled in the following incremental manner:
- A child may not be allowed to participate in the particular activity where conflict exists for a designated period of time, or the child may be asked to write an apology.
- A conference with the child's parents will be scheduled to discuss options for solving the conflict.
- If the conflict persists and the staff considers it irresolvable and detrimental to the program or to other children, the parents will be directed to remove the child from the program.
- Serious conflicts, as determined by Administrators, may be handled by immediately directing the parents to remove the child from the program.
In the event of a child being asked to leave the program, a prorated refund will be offered, not to include partial days of attendance when problems arose.
Please note that the rules will also apply to others who may be present at camp during pickup, drop-off, or any other times. We reserve the right to remove a child from camp if the behavior or treatment of staff by parents, relatives, or other individuals with the student is considered unacceptable.
Tuesday School, Power Hour Thursday, and Eager Minds Plus Registration
Registration is submitted online through our provided form. Registration is accepted on a first-come first-served basis, based on payment. When you have completed the registration form, it is suggested that you immediately submit payment via the link provided, to ensure your class selection.
Registration opens approximately one month before classes begin.
Classes will be offered in 2 sessions, morning and afternoon. You can choose morning, or afternoon, or full day (all classes). Students will be assigned to their class based on age and skill level, topics will be presented at registration. Tuition varies by program selection.
Half-day registrations must be either morning session or afternoon session, you cannot combine classes in both sessions.
Full-day registration must be on the same day (Tuesday or Thursday).
Class registration cannot be shared between siblings. Registration is per student and siblings will need to be registered and signed up individually.
Tuesday School Class Selection
Tuesday School class registrations are for one 6-week quarter. Students will not be able to switch between age groups (Eager Minds, Challengers, Pathfinders) mid-quarter. Class transitions will be made between quarters.
As our classes will follow a curriculum and are designed to be included in your child's annual homeschooler evaluation, single-class or single-day attendance will not be an option.
Power Hour Thursday Class Selection
Power Hour Thursday class registrations are for one 12-week semester. Quarterly (6-week) registrations are not available.
Eager Minds Plus Class Selection
Eager Minds Plus class registrations are for one 24-week session. Quarterly (6-week) registrations are not available.
Algebra I Class Selection
Algebra I class registrations are for one 24-week session. Quarterly (6-week) registrations are not available.
Camp Registration
Registration is submitted online through our provided form. Registration is confirmed upon receipt of payment. Registration cannot be shared between siblings. Registration is per camper and siblings will need to be registered and signed up individually.
Camp Program Selection
For camp, various programs will be offered to campers based on age. Program selection is on a week by week basis.
Tuition, Fees, and Payment
Registration Fee
The non-refundable registration fee is $25.00 per student. The registration fee is an annual fee and will carryover through any Camp HSR! programs.
Tuesday School Tuition
Tuition for Tuesday School is as follows:
- Full day: $330.00 per quarter
- Half day: $180.00 per quarter
Power Hour Thursday Tuition
Tuition for Power Hour Thursday is as follows:
- Full day: $660.00 per semester
- Half day Morning: $480.00 per semester
- Half day Afternoon: $240.00 per semester
Power Hour Thursday Tuition is paid on a quarterly schedule with 50% due each quarter.
Eager Minds Plus Tuition
Tuition for Eager Minds Plus is as follows:
- Tuesday/Thursday Full Day: $2400
- Materials Fee: $30
Eager Minds Plus Tuition is paid on a quarterly schedule with 25% due each quarter.
Algebra I Tuition
Tuition for Algebra I is as follows:
- Tuesday/Thursday: $1200
Algebra I Tuition is paid in full prior to the start of classes.
Students currently enrolled will receive priority registration for next semester.
Tuition Payment Schedule
Upon registration, please pay your $205 per student deposit.
After your initial registration and tuition payment, an invoice will be sent in advance of any upcoming payments (before each quarter).
Tuition Due Dates
Quarter 1 | August 8, 2023 |
Quarter 2 | September 26, 2023 |
Quarter 3 | January 23, 2024 |
Quarter 4 | March 12, 2024 |
Algebra I | July 31, 2023 & August 21, 2023 |
Classes will be filled first-come, first-served, based on first payment date.
Payment may be made online with a bank account or credit card. If you would prefer to mail a check, please notify us via email at info@camphsr.com and we will provide you with our mailing address.
Camp Tuition
Tuition for Classic Summer Camp and Junior Summer Camp are $160/week, Coding Camp is $240/week; Counselor in Training Tuition is $75/week for full day. A $75 deposit is due at the time of registration to reserve your child's spot. Tuition should be paid in full no later than 7 days before camp begins.
Late Payments
In the event of a late payment, your child's spot will be reopened for registration until payment is received. If your child's spot is taken during that time, the non-refundable deposit will not be returned; however, the balance will no longer be due. Returned checks will incur a $20.00 service fee.
Additional Fees
If you choose to participate in additional services, such as before care, after care, meal plans, private music lessons, tutoring, etcetera, additional fees will be incurred as discussed at the time of enrollment in those activities.
Termination of Enrollment
Voluntary Withdrawal
Parents must give 2 weeks written notice by email for withdrawal from Tuesday School or Power Hour Thursday for any reason. Tuition will be prorated for the unused portion occurring after the 2-weeks' notice. Refunds will not be available for winter or summer camp within 1 week from the start date, or once camp has begun. Refunds will not be available for Algebra I after the third week of classes.
The following may result in expulsion:
- Unresolved behavioral conflicts
- Unpaid tuition
- Repeatedly late pickups
Program Hours
Tuesday School Hours
Tuesday School will operate from 9:00am until 3:00pm. There is a 15 minute window for pick-ups and drop-offs (8:40-8:55 for morning drop-off, 11:35-11:50 for morning pickup and 12:05-12:20 afternoon drop-off and 3:00-3:15 for afternoon pickup).
Tuesday School will run for four, 6-week quarters over two semesters.
Power Hour Thursday Hours
Power Hour Thursday will operate from 9:00am until 3:00pm. There is a 15 minute window for pick-ups and drop-offs (8:40-8:55 for morning drop-off, 12:30-12:45 for morning pickup and 12:45-1:00 afternoon drop-off and 3:00-3:15 for afternoon pickup).
Power Hour Thursday will run for two 12-week semesters.
Eager Minds Plus Hours
Eager Minds Plus will operate from 9:00am until 3:00pm Tuesday and Thursday. There is a 15 minute window for pick-ups and drop-offs (8:40-8:55 for morning drop-off and 3:00-3:15 for afternoon pickup).
Eager Minds Plus will run for one 24-week session split into 4 quarters.
Algebra I Hours
Algebra I will operate from 9:55am until 11:35am on Tuesday and 11:00am until 12:30pm on Thursday. There is a 15 minute window for pick-ups and drop-offs.
Algebra I will run for one 24-week session split into 4 quarters.
Camp Hours
Camp HSR! full day camps run from 9:00am until 4:00pm daily. You must attend the session you register for. There is a 15 minute window for pick-ups and drop-offs (8:45am to 9:00am and 4:00pm-4:15pm). Before care and after care will be available on a daily basis at an additional cost - pre-registration required.
Drop-off and Pick-up Procedures
Morning Drop-off
Parents or authorized guardians are responsible for dropping off their student at the designated area, during the allotted drop-off time. Parents may not drop off their children any earlier than the drop-off time indicated in their enrollment information. Although before care may be available for some programs, it is necessary to pre-register for this service.
Afternoon Pick-up
Parents or authorized guardians are responsible for picking up their child at the designated pick-up time.
Early Pick-up
Please send a note or email notifying Camp HSR! staff what time you will be picking up your child if it is earlier than your usual pick-up time.
Late Pick-up
Parents must pick up their children no later than the pick-up time indicated in their enrollment information for their particular program. If the parent is unable to pick up the child, the parent should notify the designated emergency contacts to pick up their child. Although after care may be available for some programs, it is necessary to pre-register for this service. Parents will be charged $1.00 for every minute beyond their designated pick-up time. Emergency contacts will be called by program staff after 15 minutes.
Authorized Pick-up/Emergency Contacts
Only those individuals authorized on the child's emergency contact form may pick up a child. A photo ID is required of anyone picking up a child. If a parent would like anyone other than those individuals listed, the parents must email or call the program earlier in the day to notify staff of the change, or add the individual to your form at drop-off.
Before Care and After Care
Before-care will be available during all days of camp for an additional $5.00 per child per day. You may drop off your child as early as 7:30 a.m. The earliest you may bring your child(ren) without enrolling in this service will be 8:40.
Aftercare will be available during all days of camp for an additional $5.00 per child per day. You may pick up your child as late as 5:30 p.m. If you are late to pick up without pre-registration in aftercare, you will be charged $1.00 per minute.
Enrollment in before or after care through Camp HSR! may be done on a day-by-day basis; however, it must be scheduled at least 1 week prior to the start date of camp in order for registration to be guaranteed. Late requests may be honored on a case-by-case basis. Refunds will not be given for before and after care pre-registration.
Before care and after care are not provided at Tuesday School or Power Hour Thursday.
Visitor Policy
Parents are welcome to stay with their children, to attend class with them, or stay in our adminstrative areas during Tuesday School or Day Camp. Parents who wish to stay must sign in with the adminstrator.
While parents are welcome to stay with their student at Tuesday School and Power Hour Thursday, we ask that you do not remove your student from their designated area without notifying their teacher, this includes during, before, and after class times. For the safety of all of our students, our staff must be able to make accurate headcounts of students at all times. Student must be in the designated break areas to be called for their next class, removal of a student from this area can delay class start time for other students. If a parent's presence causes a disruption for their own student or other students, the administrator may ask the parent to wait in our administrative area.
Students may not bring an unregistered child to classes with them. If you would like to arrange a tour for an interested family, please contact us.
Visitors must comply with all Covid-19 guidelines while on the premises.
Absence Notification
If your child will be absent on a day when he or she is registered to attend a Camp HSR! program, please email, call, or text by 8:00 a.m. on the date of the absence. Please note that tuition is not refundable and is based on scheduled attendance.
Class substitution or Make-up days
As our class sizes are capped, we cannot substitute a missed class for a program running at a different time of day, quarter, or camp week. Make-up days may be provided if classes are cancelled due to weather or other unforseen circumstances. Make-up days will not be provided due to illness or other student absences.
Lunch and Snack Times
For students participating in a full-day enrollment, please provide a packed lunch from home. We do not have access to refrigerate or heat lunches, so please plan accordingly. There will be lunch available for purchase for $7 per day. Students participating in Power Hour Thursday afternoon sessions may also bring a lunch if they choose.
There will be time between classes and activities for snacks. If you pack a snack for your child, they will have time to eat it throughout the day. This will not be a formal, sit-down mealtime, so please pack snacks with that in mind. It will be child's responsibility to dispose of garbage responsibly. Snacks will be available to purchase for $1 during certain snack times.
Lunch and Snacks are not provided by Camp HSR! and must be brought from home or purchased.
Please refrain from packing peanuts or peanut products for your student.
What to Bring
Camp Supply List
For Camp, children will need:
- A packed lunch
- A water bottle (clearly labeled with camper's name)
- Sun Protection (sunscreen, hat, sunglasses)
- Closed-toed shoes
- Bug spray
- Snacks
- Weather appropriate clothing
- A change of clothes
- Swimwear and Towel (for water days)
If anything additional is necessary, this information will be communicated to parents. If these items are brought to camp, we will not be responsible for loss or damage.
Please make sure all clothing and other personal items are labeled and sent in a backpack or other sturdy bag.
Tuesday School Supply List
For Tuesday School, students will need the following items:
- Backpack that zips shut and can be easily carried by the student (luggage tag with name recommended)
- Snacks
- Lunch for full-day students
- Reusable Water bottle
- Change of clothes (our classes may be outdoors and messy!)
Some classes may require an additional item, listed in the course description.
Power Hour Thursday Supply List
For Power Hour Thursday, students will need the following items:
- Backpack that zips shut and can be easily carried by the student (luggage tag with name recommended)
- Snacks
- Lunch for full-day students
- Reusable Water bottle
Eager Minds Plus Supply List
For Eager Minds Plus, students will need the following items:
- Backpack that zips shut and can be easily carried by the student (luggage tag with name recommended)
- Snacks
- Lunch for full-day students
- Reusable Water bottle
- Change of clothes (our classes may be outdoors and messy!)
Some classes may require an additional item, listed in the course description.
Students are permitted to bring an electronic device (laptop, iPad/keyboard, etc.) to Power Hour Thursdays morning session, if they choose, for use in English Language Arts. Students are responsible for their devices and their appropriate usage; Camp HSR! is not responsible for damage to devices. There will be no internet access available to students. This is not a required supply, however we know that this accomodation is helpful to some students to facilitate writing.
Lost and Found
Lost and found will be kept by program staff for one week. Unlabeled items will be donated or disposed of if they are not collected within the allowed time. It is up to the owner to check for missing items.
We will not be responsible for any money or other valuables brought to camp by your child.
Recreational electronics should be left at home. Student communication devices (phones, smart watches etc) are permitted, but must not cause a distraction in classes. Students may keep their cell phones in their back packs, but they may not be brought to class. Camp HSR! is not responsible for damage to electronic devices. Items causing a distraction in class will be confiscated and returned to the student at pick-up.
Toys, stuffed animals, trading cards and other non-essential items should be left at home. Items causing a distraction in class will be confiscated and returned to the student at pick-up.
Medication, Illness, and Emergencies
Program staff will not be responsible for administering medication to children and request that medicine is not sent with your child to self-administer. If your child is on any medications, however, we do ask that you notify us so that we can monitor them for any adverse reactions. If a severe reaction occurs which necessitates medical attention, we need to have their medication information available, so please ensure that the health information form has been completed and is up to date.
Children can only attend camp if they are in good health. This policy exists for the protection of ourselves, our families, and of the other children, so it is imperative that it is followed. If your child or any member of your immediate family has been exposed to a contagious illness, we expect to be notified as soon as possible. Likewise, we will notify you if your child has been exposed to any illness while at camp.
If any of the following symptoms apply to your child, they will not be able to attend camp:
- Fever
- Lethargy
- Difficulty breathing
- Intestinal disturbance such as diarrhea or vomiting
- Rash with fever or behavior change
- Discharge from sores, eyes, or ears
- Excessive nasal discharge
- Conjunctivitis (pink eye)
- Severe cough
- Jaundice
- Head lice
- Contagious illness of any kind which results in the child being too ill to participate in daily activities
If your child shows any signs of a contagious disease, please keep them at home and report their condition to us as soon as possible. If any of the above symptoms are present when you bring the child to drop-off, they will not be permitted to stay. If any of the above symptoms arise while the child is at camp, we will call you to come pick them up. You must make arrangements to have the child picked up within 60 minutes of notification. If we do not receive confirmation from you that you are coming to get your child within 20 minutes of notification, this includes leaving a voice mail, we will contact the emergency contacts you have on file. During this time, your child will be separated from the other children.
Due to a number of young children with severe anaphylactic peanut allergies in Camp HSR!, we request that you do not bring any peanut or peanut butter snacks to any of our events, for your own student.
Students are not permitted to share food with one another. Please review this policy with your student and explain the consequences that can result from sharing food with someone with allergies. We appreciate your assitance in keeping all of our students safe.
Please be sure to list allergies, both, on your child's registration form, so that all staff who interact with your child are informed. Students who carry an epipen should keep it in an insulated container of your choice with an ice pack. This container will stay with your student at all times. It should be labeled with a tag with the Student's Name and "Epipen" so that it is easily located in an emergency. Upon the student's arrival, the receiving staff will check for the epipen in the designated location, which will be noted on attendance sheets.
If an accident or medical emergency occurs, a staff member will: administer the necessary first aid immediately, call an ambulance if the child's injury requires emergency treatment, call the parents or emergency contact, and stay with the child at the hospital until the parent or emergency contact arrives.
Authorization for emergency treatment, along with insurance information, must be completed at the time of enrollment to ensure that in the event of an emergency, we can make sure your child receives the necessary treatment. Please keep this information updated. Parents are responsible for all costs involved in emergency medical treatment, including transportation, if required.
Disaster and Safety Polices
All staff is trained in our evacuation, disaster, and safety plans before the start of Tuesday School or Camp. In the event that any of our action plans are required, staff members will begin notifying parents as soon as it is safe to do so.
Inclusion Policy
Camp HSR! does not and shall not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion (creed), gender, gender expression, age, national origin (ancestry), disability, marital status, sexual orientation, or military status, in any of its activities or operations. We strive to create an inclusive and welcoming environment for all members of our staff, student body, volunteers, and vendors. We are committed to supporting our diverse community of homeschoolers and guiding our students in accepting others and being true to themselves.
Image Consent and Media Release Policy
By registering for any Camp HSR! activity, permission is granted to use any photographs or videos of your child in connection with publicity for Camp HSR! Photos and videos may be posted on Facebook, Instagram, our website, and other social media. Photos may also be printed for distribution. We will never attach a child's name or personal information to any photo or video without explicit written permission.
Tobacco, Drug, Alcohol, and Firearms Policy
Tobacco use of any kind, including smoking and vaping, is not permitted at any Camp HSR! activity. Possession or use of illegal substances, alcohol, or firearms is not permitted at any Camp HSR! activity.
Contact Information
Parent Communication
Email is our primary method of communication. Please ensure that we have your correct email on file with your registration, and check your email regularly while your student is enrolled. We will communicate with parents via email, text message, telephone call. Please reach out to us the same way.
You may reach Camp HSR! via email at info@camphsr.com. You may also text or call (239)324-0181. You may also follow us on Facebook for updates and additional information.
4141 Deleon St. Fort Myers, FL 33901
Insurance and Registration
Camp HSR! is a Florida non-profit organization. We are registered with the Florida Department of Children and Families as a summer camp provider, and we carry liability insurance.
- Program Expectations
- Behavior and Discipline
- Registration
- Tuition, Fees, and Payment
- Termination of Enrollment
- Program Hours
- Drop-off and Pick-up Procedures
- Absences
- Lunch and Snack Times
- What to Bring
- Medication, Illness, and Emergencies
- Inclusion Policy
- Image Consent Policy
- Tobacco, Drug, Alcohol and Firearms Policy
- Contact Information